
Archive for May, 2011



I decided to take another leap. I love designing my own patterns. This time I am in a stole phase. I wonder, how many stoles I can design? I see so many triangles shawls and not enough stoles. When I was searching for a stole, I could not find what I wanted or was interested in doing. So, I thought to design some of my own to see what happens. It is like socks. You can find some wonderful patterns out there. Every one is doing them, but when you try to find that one fingerless glove it isn’t there all the time. I have found hundreds of triangle shawls that I know I would do and want to do. I might even have the pattern. I would like to just see where stoles take me.

This pattern is a bit simple as I figure out how I want to play with designs. I am doing this with my own lace yarn I have dyed.  It is more like cobweb!

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Today just like other days, I thought everything was all good. I blogged about the unwanted roommate living with in my body. DIABETIES! ( a while back) Well that is not my only issue now. See I have been exercising and trying to do right. I am failing at my own efforts.

I am stressed out. Perhaps to my own limits. I went to the doctor the other day. I have been getting these headaches now for about 3 months.  I may get one or two days off. I wake up with them and go to bed with them. Well my doctor did some blood work. I knew my AC1 levels would not be good. I stayed at 7.0 for a long time. I am now 8.8.   Now this bothered me because I barely eat and when I do it is a disaster for my levels.  I am scared to eat…..

Before anyone say oh whole grain food  and yadda, yadda, yadda. I already tried and do that. I can drink water and my levels go up. I rather not eat so, I don’t have the disappointment. I’m too that point. I don’t like a lot of foods. Maybe I will note what I eat later. Right now I am in a mood to vent.

So, back to the doctor. He tells me my cholesterol level for Hdl is 205 and my bad is 143. He would like to see them lower and I need not to eat red meat, eggs,  fried foods,  something else he said (drew a blank), and dairy stuff. Pretty much Salmon and Tuna. My heart dropped out my chest and ran for the hills.  I don’t know how I am suppose to survive now. My list just shrunk to barley nothing.

Let me explain Whole grain and anything with carbs makes my sugar rise.  Here is a list of what I eat.

 Dangerous for my levels —- oatmeal, rice, brown rice, wheat bread, whole grain bread, sweet potatoes, potatoes

Meats —- beef, chicken, turkey, fish (croaker, trout, tilapia, tuna, catfish), snow crabs, crabs, shrimps, pork chops

Veggies — collard greens, cabbage, kale, peppers, onion

Other — 2% milk, eggs, olive oil, butter, canola oil, apples, orange, grapes

That is it!

So let’s take away  the fruit, the dangerous high foods, They rise the sugar way to high! Now let’s take away shell-fish, red meat, and some of the fish, cholesterol needs to go down.

Now I am limited in what I eat to veggies that I am tolerate  and some meats. If this is how I have to live for the rest of my life. What is the point? I guess I will have to live for my children and husband.

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